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The All-Sports Ministry

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The primary objective of this Ministry is to establish a local Sports Outreach for youth within and outside our community who, for a variety of reasons, would have no opportunities to participate in their own local school sports programs.


The All-Sports Ministry

It is well-established that youth crime peaks between the hours of 3pm and 8pm every weekday (the hours immediately after school generally lets-out).  So rather than complain, the founders of this program saw an opportunity to help carry-out the mandate of Matthew 28:16-20 (aka “The Great Commission”) by providing local youth with alternatives to exposure of the lure of delinquency.


Our league began in 2016 under the leadership of six individual coaches and commissioners.  In our first year of operation in the Northeastern U.S. (Philadelphia, PA, Camden, NJ, and Wilmington, DE), we were blessed to help around twenty (20) young people find alternatives to the lure of at-risk street activity.  Very shortly thereafter, those blessings exponentially increased, and we were able to help over a hundred & twenty (120) local young people, as well as around double that same number across the tri-state lines.  Pre-Covid, we grew to eight (8) local teams in the league playing regularly, with one combined traveling team, and an All-Star team.  Our players not only enjoy competing locally and across state lines, they’ve been treated to outings as well, like a plethora of Philadelphia 76er games thanks to the generosity of the Sixers' organization.


In addition to our player participation, each game’s community attendance has steadily increased as well, and on any given game-night, the attendance of local communities, including parents, caregivers, other students, etc., has been extraordinary, filling our gymnasiums to almost full capacity.


The young people in our program are phenomenal athletes and phenomenal people with enormous potential.  They need not only our strength, wisdom, guidance and support in order to pursue their life-goals, they also need our prayers, and minimum financial support as well.  Many of them have run afoul of the law at some point in their young lives, and many, due to life-circumstances beyond their control, have struggled academically, and that is why this league is so unique.  Despite their disadvantages, thanks to programs like ours, many of the young people we serve will ultimately achieve their God-given potential, and that is the ultimate goal of this league.


 Thank you in advance for your support!



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