Family Participation Greatly Increases the Likelihood of Success After Confinement
The ability of family members to participate in their children's lives makes a dramatic difference on youth outcomes. 94% of youth want...

Native American Youth are 1.5 Times More Likely to be Incarcerated & Tried as Adults
Native American youth are 1.5 times more likely to receive out-of-home placement, and 1.5 times more likely to be tried as adults than...

Latino Youth in Juvenile Justice
Latino youth are 16% more likely to be adjudicated delinquent (aka "found guilty"), 28% more likely to be detained, 41% more likely to be...

Youth in Adult Prisons Are Not the Most Serious Offenders
The majority of youth held in adult prison are not the most serious offenders. 80% will be released before they turn 21, and 95% before...

3 Out of 4 Are Awaiting Trial or Transfer
Many kids locked-up in adult prison have not been convicted, nor will they ever be. Never-the-less, 3 out of 4 of them will remain in an...

National Prison Rape Elimination Commission Findings
The National Prison Rape Elimination Commission (NPREC) says that "more than any other group of incarcerated persons, youth incarcerated...

Suicide Watch for Youth in Adult Prison
Youth housed in adult prison are 36 times more likely to commit suicide than those housed in juvenile facilities. http://bit.ly/2i13W2q ...

Landmark Cases in U.S. Juvenile Justice
Want to know & understand the current state of Juvenile Justice in the Commonwealth? Become a Quarterly Donor and Subscriber to receive...

Adult-Incarcerated Youth Are At Extreme Risk
Youth incarcerated in adult facilities are at extreme risk. They cannot be kept safe from predators, and isolation & solitary confinement...

Extremely Limited Education for Youth in Adult Prisons
40% of adult prisons housing juveniles provide NO Educational services at all. 11% provide Special Education, and only around 7% provide...