Recidivism Adds Around $7.034 Billion to The Annual Costs for Youth Confinement in The U.S.
"...recidivism by individuals who were confined as youth generates [significant] costs to taxpayers..[for] arrests, prosecution, court...

The Willingness to Pay Approach is Significantly Higher Than Restitution
Paying for Protective Measures after being victimized is known as the "Willingness to Pay" approach to crime victimization. Costs to...

Smarter Solutions for Juvenile Crime Reduction
"[There are] two methodologies for estimating the tangible and intangible costs to [crime] victims. They are: (1) the [actual] "Jury...

The Two Types of Costs to Victims of Juvenile Crime
There are two types of costs to victims of crime, tangible (i.e. medical, mental health, property & cash losses, lost earnings), and...

Juvenile Confinement Should Be A Last Resort
"...young people returning from facilities to the community come out worse... the kind of juvenile justice system that is needed is one...

Juvenile Detention Actually INCREASES the Risk of Recidivism
Juvenile detention actually INCREASES the risk of recidivism. "incarceration as a juvenile increases the probability of recidivism as an...