Today's e-Advocate Quarterly Newsletter: "Critical Thinking for Transformative Justice"
Here's a link to today's e-Advocate Bonus Newsletter entitled "Critical Thinking for Transformative Justice": http://bit.ly/2G6JYOq The...

Taxpayers Suffer Enormous Financial Consequences for Each Juvenile in Confinement
Negative consequences of unnecessary and inappropriate juvenile confinement include: (4) hundreds of thousands of tax dollars per...

Communities of Confined Youth Also Suffer Immense Social and Avoidable Consequences
Negative consequences arising out of unnecessary and inappropriate juvenile confinement include: (3) consequences to the community due to...

Families of Confined Youth Suffer Immense Emotional Impacts
Negative consequences arising out of unnecessary and inappropriate juvenile confinement include: (2) "Families of confined youth bear a...

Negative Consequences for Opportunity Youth, Their Families, and Their Communities Can Be Devastatin
Negative consequences arising out of unnecessary and inappropriate juvenile confinement include: (1) lifelong impacts on the youth's...

Opportunity Youth Need A Voice: They Are Crying Out for Help
Around 17.3% of 16-24 year olds (opportunity youth) account for 63% of all crimes committed by this age group. Researchers estimate the...

The Social Costs for Opportunity Youth is Well Into the Billions
The annual cost of providing housing assistance, food stamps, job assistance and homeless shelter for opportunity (disconnected) youth is...

Lost Opportunity Youth Contribute Far Less to Society
"[Lost] Opportunity youth [kids caught-up in the justice system] tend to work sporadically at low-paying jobs, annually earning $4,100...

Lost Economic Potential for Disconnected 16-24 Year Olds is Estimated at $4.7 TRILLOIN Dollars
Columbia University and the City University of New York... [estimate] the lost economic potential of 16-24 year olds disconnected from...

Poor Policy Choices Drive Up Long-Term Costs
"...the impact of poor policy choices ratchets up long-term costs" (lack of economic opportunity & tax revenue, increased reliance on...