Saving A Kid Early Can Save Society Millions
"...if these offenders can be identified early and correctly provided with prevention and treatment resources...we estimate the present...

Juvenile Confinement Wastes Resources Better Spent on Alternatives
Research shows that confinement can have negative impacts on a young person's school & work, compromises their safety, and increases the...

Kentucky's 2014 Legislative Reforms Are Expected to Save State Taxpayers Millions
Kentucky passed comprehensive juvenile justice legislation in 2014 that strengthens evidence-based programs while restricting the...

Georgia: A Pioneer in Juvenile Justice Reform
"Following a criminal justice overhaul in 2012, Georgia enacted House Bill 242 in 2013...[which] will save [taxpayers] an estimated $85...

Making Appropriate Investments in Alternatives to Incarceration Yields Enormous Benefits
"...overly relying on confinement or failing to make the appropriate investments in other parts of the youth-serving system that could...

Is the System Making the Right Investments?
"Is the system making the right investments in diversion and earlier intervention...to ensure that they never become involved with the...

Community-Based Programming is Better
"Community-based programming that can create wrap-around services for youth...can cost as little as $75 per day." (pp.14)...

The Nationwide Average Costs of Juvenile Confinement Are Unconscionable
The nationwide average cost of confining a juvenile, calculated across 46 states was $148,767 per year (2014). (pp.11-12) bit.ly/2Ag8Kwp ...

State of Connecticut: A Pioneer in Juvenile Justice Reform
"On average the state of [Conn] spends $134,000 per year to incarcerate just one child...not only are we wasting millions of taxpayer...

Confinement Costs Are Astronomical and Do Not Resolve the Problem
"It can cost hundreds of dollars a day, and hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, when systems fail to reduce the chances that a young...