Youth Incarceration Actually Causes Recidivism Rates to Increase
"Longer stays in juvenile institutions do not reduce recidivism, and some youth who had the lowest offending levels reported committing...

Widening Disparity Gap
The overall numbers of confinement appear to be diminishing, however "the disparities between rates of confinement are growing." (p.7)...

Fiscal Incentives Work to Support Policy Reform
"Alabama, California, Georgia, Illinois, Ohio, New York and Texas have all used fiscal incentives...to support less costly...options to...

The John Jay College of Criminal Justice Research & Evaluation Center Study
John Jay College of Criminal Justice found that more than 8 of 10 youth in alternative-to-incarceration programs remained arrest free,...

Evidence-Based Program Criteria Training
"Evidence-Based practices alone aren't enough to reform the Juvenile Justice System...a variety of community-based approaches to address...

The Cost and Societal Benefits of Evidence-Based Programming
Even though Evidence-Based programming has been proven far more cost-effective than incarceration, only around five-percent (5%) of...

Evidence-Based Programming is the Way to Go
[There are] numerous intervention and prevention strategies that reduce delinquent behavior, foster positive youth development skills,...

NRC/NA Encourages Community-Based Alternatives to Detention
According to the National Research Council of the National Academies, "Options that keep youth at home and engaged in school and family...

NRC Stresses Development of Alternatives to Incarceration
The National Research Council of the National Academies has called on policymakers to adopt a developmental approach [to Juvenile...

Policymakers Now Agree
"Many policymakers now agree that confining youth...interrupts normal adolescent development and can contribute to recidivism when a...