$8 - $21 Billion in Long-Term Costs of Youth Confinement
"The long-term costs of young people's confinement may add up to an additional $8 billion to $21 billion each year..."...

The Cost-Effectiveness of Early Interventions
Early Interventions that prevent [a] high-risk youth from [recidivating] can save [taxpayers] nearly $5.7 million in costs over a...

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Research has proven that every dollar ($1.) spent on evidence-based programs can yield up to $13. in cost savings. bit.ly/2i13W2q ...

Cost Effective Alternatives
Operating just one (1) bed in a juvenile detention facility over a twenty (20) year period cost taxpayers between $1.25 and $1.5 million...

Many Incarcerated Youth Have No Family Visits At All
59% of the 33% of youth who have no family contact say it would take their families an hour or more to reach their facility. 28% report...

Family Participation Greatly Increases the Likelihood of Success After Confinement
The ability of family members to participate in their children's lives makes a dramatic difference on youth outcomes. 94% of youth want...

Native American Youth are 1.5 Times More Likely to be Incarcerated & Tried as Adults
Native American youth are 1.5 times more likely to receive out-of-home placement, and 1.5 times more likely to be tried as adults than...

Latino Youth in Juvenile Justice
Latino youth are 16% more likely to be adjudicated delinquent (aka "found guilty"), 28% more likely to be detained, 41% more likely to be...

Youth in Adult Prisons Are Not the Most Serious Offenders
The majority of youth held in adult prison are not the most serious offenders. 80% will be released before they turn 21, and 95% before...

3 Out of 4 Are Awaiting Trial or Transfer
Many kids locked-up in adult prison have not been convicted, nor will they ever be. Never-the-less, 3 out of 4 of them will remain in an...