Our Foundation
Message to Our Community of Supporters
Our Cause
In the US, the prison system is an industry leader. 1 in 3 (33.3%) African-American males will likely go to prison at some point in their lifetime. That same incarceration rate for non-minorities is around 1 in 24 (4%). Moreover, the determination for the allocation of prison resources, as well as new prison construction, in some states is derived from Elementary School Achievement tests, like the CRCT scores from around the state in Georgia for example.
In our quest to eradicate Juvenile Delinquency in 2003, we got off to a blazing start, however over the last few years, we, like most public and private organizations combating Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Dependency, have experienced serious budget reductions. The thing that's most unbelievable about these reductions is that they not only came at times the funding was most needed, but we suspect that monies that had already been awarded were actually redirected to help with, among other things, the economic recovery. And although we wholeheartedly support our government’s efforts to bolster the economy, we are nevertheless left with the perplexing reality of the moment: We must seek and develop alternate means of funding our divinely inspired programs and projects.
What We Are Doing To Combat The Problem
Where some may see road blockages to the success of our young men and young women of-promise, we see opportunities to learn from the past, as well as the present, and to develop and provide impactful solutions to some of our society's most pressing issues. Some of the hottest new and promising programs, programs designed to turn at-risk juvenile delinquent students into at-promise leaders and architects of our future, include, but are by no means limited to:
(1) Educational Advocacy Initiatives
(2) Mentoring programs
(3) Comprehensive Mental Health Coalitions
(4) Multi-Disciplinary Resiliency programs
(5) New Millennia Collaborative Job Readiness & Internships
With the development of such new programs, as well as the development and implementation of our new Collaborative US project partnerships, we can greatly impact the fight for fundamental change in our society's deeply embedded "culture of failure and dependency" by building year-round, and summertime, evidence-based (well proven) programs throughout the metro and rural regions in the jurisdictions we serve, programs designed to reverse these ever-disturbing trends. Over the last five years, for example, we have been blessed to participate in the liberation of over 450 young people, and their families, from such negative juvenile delinquency trends, thereby strengthening those families while helping to make their communities safer and more prosperous in the process. We, along with our collaborative partners, have achieved an 85% success rate over a 5 county region, encompassing urban, suburban, and rural communities by developing and utilizing evidence-based programming in each of the aforementioned areas of service delivery.
Organizational Development—Organizational Mentorship &Community Collaboration
The Nonprofit Advisors Group
The Collaborative US/ International
In addition to service delivery for our precious young people, we have also begun to mentor fledgling and struggling Nonprofit organizations and Churches through our Nonprofit Advisors Group, a Technical Support Initiative, in order to help them become more fully functional and more fundable by teaching them how to employ evidence-based (well proven) programming, and by providing leadership training, enabling them to attract support from governmental, non-governmental, foundational, UBIT, and private sources. We also help them maintain compliance, and learn to sustain themselves without government assistance beyond a 15% margin.
Community Collaboration
We are also planning to teach whole communities to collaborate and pool resources in order to effectuate permanent and fundamental changes incorporating the most effective Change-Agent models, strategies, and experts from both the Social Service and Business communities. We plan to expand our technical and non-technical expertise, in the next Strategic Plan cycle, to the Legal, Law Enforcement, and Business communities (including Prosecutors, Defenders, Sheriff & Police departments), as well as major Retail employers such as Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe's, QT, etc.
Multidisciplinary Educational Advocacy Initiatives
Paradigm Shifting: One of the most crucial shifts in our national thinking pattern must encompass a "bend" away from "punishment-based" delinquency practices and policies, for young (coachable) misguided offenders, to well-proven Intervention and Prevention strategies designed to help them get, then stay, on-track to graduate High School, and then pursue College, Employment, Military Service, or other positive endeavors, without the hindrance and stigmatization created by their past mistakes.
Divine Intervention—Ground Zero
Gang Intervention: In addition to our Intervention efforts, youth gang intervention is a must in order to help rebuild and maintain safe and prosperous communities throughout each region, as well as reversing the delinquency trends that will lead to producing responsible, contributing young adults. We have been blessed to partner with Collaborative affiliates with a great deal of influence and expertise in this area.
All of this is just rhetoric, good ideas, and good intentions, however, without your support. We really need your help to keep all of this moving forward.
Always feel welcome to contact us directly
with any questions, comments, or great ideas!
Jack Johnson
Founder & CEO