The Gun Violence
Intervention Project
Our Street Team of Interventionists are doing a remarkable job of suppressing Gun Violence from Atlanta, GA to Philadelphia, PA. We estimate that for every reported episode, we have successfully prevented up to ten more from happening.
Our work takes place 24/7, mostly behind the scenes, and mainly focusing on potentially "brewing" disputes in high-risk neighborhoods during the days, nights and weekends before they become incendiary.
While we work, people sleep and go on about their lives, mostly oblivious to all the underlying risk-factors brewing all around them, which our specialized training, and decades-developed, well-attuned senses allow our specially-recruited teams to recognize in their initial stages of development.
Our Street Team Sentinels Work Fervently 24/7 to help heal the trauma created by violence, driven by ignorance, fear, hatred and desperation, and we are also establishing well-informed, courageous, citizen-leaders specializing in turning street-level reconnaissance into peace-making strategies within and about their home neighborhoods.
Our teams save lives. But we still need your help. Only by working together can we reverse the trending violence that's gotten out of control and return our communities to the beautiful, safe, family-supporting neighborhoods they are meant to be.
- Divine Intervention - Ground Zero (MAVPP/ACCST)
Copyright The Advocacy Foundation, Inc. 2003 - 2024