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Advocacy Foundation Orientation & Vision


Programs & Project Descriptions


The Redemptive Justice Project


  1. The Redemptive Justice Project

  2. The All-Sports Ministry of …

  3. The Community Engagement Strategy

  4. Critical Thinking for Transformative Justice

  5. The Economic Impact of Social Programs Development

  6. Culturally Relevant Programming

  7. The Effects of De-Industrialization in the US

  8. The Jobs Training, Educational Redevelopment & Economic Emancipation Initiative

  9. The Second Chance Project

  10. The Mental Health Group

  11. The Opioid Crisis in America (Series)

  12. Evidence-Based Solutions at The Grassroots Level

19. The Economic Consequences of Opioid Addiction in America


20. The 21st Century Charter Schools Initiative


21. The Adversity/ Advantage (Series)


22. The Economic Consequences of Homelessness in America

23. Cultural Transformation

24. Gentrification

25. Environmental Racism

26. Generational Progression

27. Predatory Lending

28. Hidden Unemployment

29. Slavery in The 21st Century

30. Debt Reduction & Debt Relief

31.  Gun Control in the 21st Century

32.  The Uniform Code of Military Justice

33.  Wills, Trusts and Estates

34.  The Political Dynamics of Justice Reform in The U.S.

35. The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994

36. The Cost Ineffectiveness of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing in The U.S.

37. Social Justice Activism

38. Restoration of Rights (for Ex-Offenders)


The Come-Unity Re-Engineering Project


  1. Social Disintgration

  2. Inner-Cities Strategic Revitalization Planning

  3. ​Strategic Housing Revitalization

  4. Solutions for Homelessness

  5. Financial Literacy

  6. Concentrated Poverty

  7. The Advocacy Foundation Balanced Home Mortgage Initiative
  8. Come-Unity Capacity-Building

  9. Transformational Problem Solving

  10. Social Impact Investing - Investments in Crime Reduction

  11. Left-Wing Politics

  12. Prison-Based Gerrymandering

  13. Reforming Public Policy


The Nonprofit Advisors Group


  1. The 501(c)(3) Acquisition Process

  2. Staff & Management

  3. Organizational & Professional Development

  4. The Economic Empowerment Emancipation Project

  5. Evidence-Based Programs Developme

  6. The Board of Directors

  7. The Inner Circle

  8. The Advisory Council

  9. Strategic Planning

  10. Lobbying for Nonprofits

  11. Budgeting

  12. Fundraising (Series)

12. Outcome-Directed Thinking

13. Social Entrepreneurship

14. Data-Driven Resource Allocation

15. Nonprofit Confidentiality In The Age of Big Data)

16. Community Collaboration

17. Culturally-Relevant Programming

18. â€‹Evidence-Based Criteria Training (Series)

19. The U.S. Stock Market

20. Evidence-Based Programming

  • Evidence-Based Program Application Processing

21. Social Media for Nonprofits

22. Structuring Subsidiary Entities

23. Social Equity Planning

24. Succession Planning

25. Property Acquisition for Organizational Sustainability

26. Investing for Organizational Sustainability

27. The Nonprofit Incubator: for Transformative Social Impact

28. Accountability

29. Nonprofit Transparency

30. Nonprofit Organizational Assessment

31. Organizational Dysfunction

32. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

33. Nonprofit Marketing

34. Community Policing

35. Organized Crime In The New Millennium

36. The 508(c)(1)(a) Iniative Workshop Manual (Days 1 - 2)

37. The Christ-Centered B-Corp and LLC  Certification Workshop (Day 3)

38. Sustainability Series


The Juvenile Justice Reform Campaign

Alternatives to Detention


1. The Juvenile Justice System

2. Representation of Juveniles

3. ReEngineering Juvenile Justice

4. The Juvenile Justice Legislative Reform Initiative

5. The Economic Consequences of Legal Decision-Making

6. The Landmark Cases In US Juvenile Justice (Series)

  • Pennsylvania
  • ​New Jersey

  • Georgia

7.  Unjust Legal Reasoning

8.  Opportunity (Disenfranchised) Youth

9.  Interpreting the Facts – Blame Remover

10.  The First Amendment Project

11.  The Second Amendment Project (Gun Control)

12. The Fourth Amendment Project

13. The Sixth Amendment Project (Right to Competent Counsel)

14. The Eighth Amendment Project (Cruel and Unusual Punishment)

15. Literacy-Based Prison Construction

16. Children of Incarcerated Parents

17. African-American Youth in The Juvenile Justice System

18. Latino and Hispanic Youth in The Juvenile Justice System

19. Native-American Youth in The Juvenile Justice System

20. Racial Profiling

21. Post-Pandemic Crime Trends (2023)

22. Gang Deconstruction

23. Expungements & Pardons

24. Barriers to Reducing Confinement

25. Multi-Systemic Therapy

26. Re-Engineering Juvenile Justice

27. Judicial Re-Engineering

28. Alternative Legal Solutions

29. Law for The Poor

30. The Uniform Code of Military Justice

31. Case Law, Statutory Law, Municipal Ordinances & Policy

32. Judicial Mistakes


The Collaborative US/ International


1. Caribbean Direct Investing (Series)

  • The EB-5 Investors Immigration Project

  • International Labor Relations

  • Collaborative Economics and Leveraging

  • Mass Collaboration

​2. The SBA 8(a) Application and Certification Process

3. Institutional Racism

4. The Advocacy Foundation International Coalition for Drug-Free Communities

5. The Tactical Power of Coordinated Economic Resistance


​Advocacy Foundation Ministries

The Theological Academy of Juridprudence


  1. The Theological Foundations of US Law & Government

  2. The Theological Origins of Contemporary Judicial Process 

  3. God’s Will and The 21st Century Democratic Process

  4. The Diversity of Theology

  5. The Scriptural  Application to The Model Criminal Code

  6. The Scriptural  Application to The ABA’s Tort Reform Model

  7. The Scriptural  Application to The ABA’s Contracts Reform Initiative

  8. The Scriptural  Application to The ABA’s Property Law Review

  9. The Scriptural  Application to The United States Constitution

  10. The Scriptural  Application for Juvenile Justice Reform

  11. The Scriptural  Application for Tort Reform

  12. The Scriptural  Application to Contemporary Legal Process

  13. The Scriptural  Application to The Uniform Commercial Code

  14. The Scriptural  Application to The Law of Property

  15. The Scriptural  Application to The Canons of Ethics

  16. Biblical Law and Justice​

  17. Biblically Responsible Investing

  18. Spiritual Rights

  19. Spiritual Resource Development

  20. Acquiesce to Righteousness

  21. The Ripple Effects of Ministry

  22. Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees in the 21st Century Church


Legal Missions International


  1. Advocacy Foundation Missions - Domestic

  2. Advocacy Foundation Missions - Foreign

  3. International Law & Justice

  4. Immigration

  5. International Criminal Procedure

  6. The Theology of Missions

  7. International Labor Relations

  8. International Legal Evangelism: Intelligence, Reconnaissance & Missions

  9. The Law of War

  10. Conflicts to Watch in The New Millennium

  11. International Hotspots

  12. International Cyber Terrorism

  13. Brexit


Strategic Plan Org Chart


Impact-Driven Logic Model


Strategic Community Engagement


Thee Come-Unity Re-Engineering Process Flowchart


Master Budget



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Copyright The Advocacy Foundation, Inc. 2003 - 2024

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Inner-Cities Strategic Revitalization Initiative
Literacy-Based Prison Construction
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51Culturally Relevant Programming
Advocacy Foundation International Coalition for Drug-Free Communities
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Advocacy Foundation Missions

Fair Use Notice


The material on this site is provided for educational and information purposes. All photos that haven’t been taken by Advocacy Foundation Inc. have either been purchased, used with permission, credited and linked back to their original sources, or believed to be public domain. It is believed that this constitutes a “fair use” of any such copyrighted materials as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have an interest in using the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond “fair use”, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. The information on this site does not constitute legal or technical advice.

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