The Redemptive
Justice Project
Despite its best efforts to maintain Judicial Economy, the Justice System is incredibly overloaded, and Solutions-Based Programs & Projects remain woefully under-resourced. Many people, therefore, both young and adult, particularly people of color, often get the "Swift" version of justice whenever they come into contact with the law. This project is designed specifically to deal with those issues.
Projections for building prisons are often based on elementary-school test results. And our country incarcerates more of its young than any other nation on earth. So we at The Foundation labor to pull our young people out of the "school-to-prison" pipeline, and we then coordinate the efforts of the Legal, Mental Health, Governmental, Law Enforcement, Local Community, Educational, and other Stakeholders needed to bring an end to all forms of delinquency.
We also educate Families, Police, local Businesses, Elected Officials, Clergy, Schools, and other Stakeholders about Transforming Whole Communities, and we work to change the their thinking about the causes of delinquency with the goal of helping them embrace the idea of restoration for the young people in our care who demonstrate repentance for their mistakes.
The way we accomplish this is as follows:
We vigorously advocate for charges reductions wherever possible in the adjudicatory (court) process, with the ultimate goal of expungement or pardon in order to maximize the likelihood for our clients to graduate High School and progress on to college, military service, or the workplace without the stigma of a prison record; and
​​We then enroll each young person into an Evidence-Based, Data-Driven, Transformative Justice Program, Project or Service specifically-designed to facilitate their habilitation and subsequent reintegration back into their own home communities; and
​While those projects are operating, we conduct a wide variety of Community Re-Engineering seminars and workshops on topics ranging from Juvenile Justice, to Parental Rights, to Domestic Issues, to Police-Friendly Contacts, to Community and Faith-Based Organizational Development and Accountability and Compliance; and
Throughout the process, we encourage and maintain frequent personal contact between, and among, all parties & Stakeholders; and
Throughout the process we also conduct a Continuum of Events & Fundraisers designed to facilitate Collaboration, Not Competition, among Professionals & Community Stakeholders; and
We disseminate Quarterly Publications, like our e-Advocate Newsletter Series and our e-Advocate Quarterly Electronic Magazine to all Monthly Donors in order to facilitate a long-term learning process on the ever-evolving developments in the Justice process.
And in addition to the help we provide for our young clients and their families, we also facilitate Community Engagement through The Transformative Justice process, thereby balancing the interests of local businesses, Schools, Clergy, Elected Officials, Police, Courts, and all interested Stakeholders.
Through these efforts, relationships are built, rebuilt & strengthened, local businesses and communities are enhanced and can become protected from victimization young careers are incubated & developed, and our precious young people are kept out of the prison pipeline.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Copyright The Advocacy Foundation, Inc. 2003 - 2025