Advocacy Foundation Theological

Coming in 2019!
What are the main scriptures that apply to every legal matter?
How do you find the scriptures most applicable to your instant case?
How do you craft each individual case around its underlying scripture?
How do you integrate the scriptures into your legal arguments without breaching the barrier between Seperation of Church & State?
Why is it so important to consider the scriptures along-side the applicable statutes in each case?
What was the original intent of the founding fathers when crafting the US Government?
Did the Congressional Congress intend for Seperation of Church & State to be interpreted as it is today, or did they have something else in mind when drafting the US Constitution?
Would the founding fathers be willing to accept schools without prayer? What about the removal of the Ten Commandments from public places?
How did the original Congress begin each new session?
What are the arguments on both sides of the current debates?
Where will the current trends lead our nation, should we continue on the current path?
Have there ever been any other nations with a developmental history that included Spiritual seperation? If so, what were the results of its having banned public religious expression? Are we wise to follow the same path?
What are the limits on tolerance according to the Word of God? At what point do believers come forward? What are the appropriate legal and Scriptural methods for doing so?
Christian Lawyers Initiative
Course Series
The Scriptural Application to
The American Bar Association's Model Criminal Code
The Scriptural Application to
The American Bar Association's
Tort Reform Model
The Scriptural Application to
The American Bar Association's
Contracts Reform Initiative
The Scriptural Application to
The American Bar Association's
Property Law Review
The Scriptural Application to
The US Constitution
The Scriptural Applications for
Juvenile Justice Reform

The Theological Foundations
of US Law & Government
Vol. III, Issue II, Q-2 2017 April | May | June

The Diversity of Theology
Special Edition